I despise the United Nations and I can't think of a time in my politically-conscious life that I haven't felt otherwise. In fact, unless I'm just imagining things, the first letter to the editor of the local rag here in Austin that I ever wrote was in protest of Yasser Arafat's proposed visit to address the General Assembly of the UN in November 1988.
I'm a full-on Bircher when it comes to that lousy institution. I think it is a vector for disease and needs to be expelled from this country. And this country certainly ought to withdraw from its membership as soon as possible.
And just what the fuck is Kofi Annan talking about when he says the War for Iraq was illegal? If he really thinks so, he should consider what Amir Taheri wrote in the New York Post today:
What Annan is saying, in fact, is that the United States and 33 other members of the United Nations have acted as rogue states, trampling under foot its Charter to change the regime of another U.N. member.But why is this? Could it be that no other nation in the world has the balls to make that case? Well, here's your chance, ladies! The Secretary General himself has opened the door for you to vent even more of your spleen at America and at what John Kerry calls our "coalition of the bribed."
There is a well-established procedure for dealing with those who violate the U.N. Charter. Any U.N. member could seek a special session of the Security Council in which to produce evidence of the alleged illegal acts and demand redress. So far, not a single member has chosen to take that route in connection with the Iraq war.
If [Annan] really believes that international law has been violated, he should do something, even if he knows that whatever he does will get nowhere.It is patently ridiculous for this idiot to have made such an accusation. And why is he doing it now? Perhaps to exert some influence on the elections in the United States and Australia? If so, he's probably doing Bush and Howard a service by demonstrating to their conservative supporters that, if the challengers on the Left get their way, dickheads like Annan will have even more leverage in times to come.
If, on the other hand, he is making these accusations just to look good, he must know that he is destroying the little that is left of the U.N.'s credibility. How can an organization, whose chief executive accuses the principal members of its board of violating its charter with impunity, be taken seriously?
Why didn't Annan resign when he clearly saw that the U.N. Charter was being violated by a group of "rogue states" led by America? And why, if the toppling of Saddam was illegal, is the U.N. helping consolidate regime change in Iraq by supervising elections for a new government?
Get these "one world government" assholes out of my country. NOW.