The folks at RedState have linked to an interesting column by Howard Zinn, professor emeritus at Boston University and a "progressive," which, by now, we all know means liberal.
Zinn observes of Kerry:
He needs to stop saying, as he did recently in the Midwest, that he defended this country when he was fighting in Vietnam. That is not an honest statement. If it were true, then he would not have turned against the war.Zinn's thoughts are probably closer to Kerry's own than Kerry would openly admit, but what is the poor man to do? Kerry's voting history in the United States Senate is one long string of miscalculations: he misunderstood Communism and worked to appease its propagators; has mistrusted the military and intelligence communities and has voted to cut their funding at many important moments; and has misjudged the Islamofascist threat, behaving in a schizoid manner in the face of a new war.
He was not defending this country when he fought in Vietnam. He was defending this country when he said we were wrong to be in Vietnam and we should get out.
He should not be saying that he will wage the Iraq war better, that he will replace U.S. troops with soldiers from other countries. If it is immoral for our soldiers to be occupying Iraq and killing Iraqis every day, then it is immoral for foreign soldiers to do the same.
I wouldn't trust John Kerry with a sack of shit.