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Better Living through Science
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The Loyal Opposition
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Monday, 19 September 2005
Doubting Daou
Now Playing: theme from ABC's Monday Night Football
Peter Daou, who was some sort of blogging consultant to the Kerry-Edwards campaign, has written an interesting piece questioning the influence of bloggers on the political scene. His idea is that there's a triangle of "netroots," media, and the political establishment ---and that bloggers may or may not be driving the issues.

One of his most curious observations, I thought, was the following:

The power of the triangle has been demonstrated again and again: Josh Marshall and social security, Steve Clemons and the Bolton nomination (the recess appointment was emblematic of Bolton’s defeat, not his victory), rightwing bloggers and Eason Jordan, rightwing bloggers and Dick Durbin, progressive bloggers and Jeff Gannon, and so on.
I know who Marshall is, but I don't recall ever hearing of Steve Clemons ---nor do I know what either of them did to influence Social Security or John Bolton's nomination. Any hints? If this Clemons guy succeeded in derailing Bolton, I'm not aware of it.

But I do know about the other examples Daou throws up ---and they are telling.

Eason Jordan? While in the sacred confines of a meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last February, this now former head of CNN accused the American military of murdering journalists in Iraq. The charge was so outrageous that it even offended Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank. Not that Frank is less offendable than others, but he is a Democrat.

Dick Durbin? The second highest ranking Democrat in the United States Senate said that our soldiers at Guantanamo Bay were no different from Nazi concentration camp guards or gulag-minders in the old Soviet Union. With both Jordan and Durbin, conservative bloggers ---or rightwing bloggers, if that's your term--- kept up the pressure and demanded that Big Media stop ignoring these treasonous statements and hold people accountable for giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. Good on them.

But then Daou pathetically points to a "success" of the Leftist blogosphere: the getting of James Guckert (a.k.a., Jeff Gannon), a gay Republican who apparently did not have the credentialed credibility that puckered old sphincter muscles like Helen Thomas or blow-dried turds like John Roberts bring to the White House Press Room. Gannon was exposed as a male prostitute and, as such, was some sort of security risk or embarrassment to the journalistic profession. Actually, I don't know where the outrage finally ended up, but it was a seismic shift in the History of American Journalism and the Very Notion of Truth. Don't you remember it?

Anyway, what I find most interesting in Daou's examples are the ones that are missing.

How about Trent Lott? He lost his Senate Majority Leader position because of the efforts of conservative bloggers in bringing his unfortunate remarks at Strom Thurmond's birthday celebration to the wider attention of the conservative-hating Big Media. Is there any comparable example of the Leftist blogosphere sacrificing one of their own to principle?

And how about the utter destruction of Dan Rather's career? That has to be the greatest example of the blogosphere's influence ---and yet Daou doesn't even mention it. How's that possible? Would it somehow not fit into his narrative?

Daou continues:

In each of these cases, and to varying degrees, bloggers, the media, and senior elected officials played a role in pushing a story and influencing public perceptions. To understand what happens when the online community is on its own, look no further than electronic voting. The progressive netroots has been hammering away at this for years, but the media and the political establishment is largely mute. Traction = Zero. The conventional wisdom puts it squarely in the realm of conspiracy theories.
Daou's position on electronic voting is the same as mine, but he ignores the example of Rathergate. That scandal was wholly the work of a handful of bloggers. (In fact, it began with an anonymous post at the old online bulletin board I very distinctly remember how useless the evening news was in those days in covering such a major media meltdown ---and how they were absolutely chasing the bloggers' tails in sealing Rather's fate.

I think what's driven Daou to this point is his understanding ---notwithstanding all the blustery rhetoric of his coreligionists--- that no one on the Left has yet achieved the level of influence already demonstrated on the Right side of the blogosphere. There's nothing comparable on their side to Rathergate or Jordangate or even the evidence that came out against John Kerry's dishonest claims from his time in Viet Nam.

Maybe the Plame thing will work out for them in the end, but it's going to take a lot more than fluffing Keith Olbermann or Wolf Blitzer to get them there.

UPDATE: Say, Tom! Thanks for the Minutelanche!

Posted by Toby Petzold at 9:58 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (8) | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 25 September 2005 2:22 PM CDT

Saturday, 24 September 2005 - 9:33 PM CDT

Name: JorgXMcKie

Maybe it's just me, but the difference would appear to be that bloggers force the media to pay attention to something they would otherwise ignore. Sure, there's lots of smallish stuff they would ignore for lots of reasons (Gannon being a prime example) but the biggies are stories that would either help Republicans or hurt Democrats that the MSM ignores. Does anyone think they wouldn't have covered Bolton as long as Senate Dems fought him? Does anyone remember the MSM ignoring the Dems talking points on SS and Bush? I didn't think so. On the other hand, the forged TANG memos, the Swift Boat Veterans' charges, Eason Jordan and Dick Durbin? Does anyone truly believe that the MSM would have pursued these on their own?

Evidently Daou is either totally clueless or delusional or just a Democratic tool. I figure it's a combination.

Saturday, 24 September 2005 - 10:27 PM CDT

Name: TP

And exposing Rather and Mapes was all done by the blogosphere. Jennings and Brokaw and the other Big Media outlets didn't want to touch it. They soft-pedalled it, presumably as a professional courtesy to Rather. But the truth willed out.

And if it hadn't been for people like Michelle Malkin pursuing Barney Frank's testimony, Eason Jordan would probably have gotten away with his remarks, too.

The blogosphere is a great ombudsman culture, ain't it?

Thanks for dropping by.

Sunday, 25 September 2005 - 7:18 AM CDT

Name: josh

(a) "but I don't recall ever hearing of Steve Clemons"

(i) You haven't lost much!

On July 16, 2005, Steve Clemons from the Washington Note wrote that "it seems easier to hijack and redirect the Democratic Party..."

(ii) he spent all his time and energey opposing Bolton from going to the UN. Of course, as every moonbat leftist loser, when Bolton was sent to the UN, he claimed victory, of sorts.

(b) Daou, conveniently, forgot Cindy Sheehan -
Who Led Code Pink Women For Peace To Rescue Wounded Soldiers Blogs - Dem. leaders (nowhere to be found) triangle. But then, you can't blame Daou, can you?

Sunday, 25 September 2005 - 8:18 AM CDT

Name: btorrez

Just for the record regarding Trent Lott, I seem to recall that it was Josh Marshall who actually first posted about that story on Talking Points Memo and wondered why it was not a big deal. It was then picked up by conservative bloggers and the drum beat began and within a week to ten days it was a front page story. Question: Would left-of-center bloggers do the same to one of their own?

Sunday, 25 September 2005 - 9:48 AM CDT

Name: TP

You are correct. Josh Marshall and Duncan Black were the first true bloggers that went with the Lott story. But it took conservatives like Glenn Reynolds, Andrew Sullivan, and David Frum to give it the bipartisan imprimatur.

And, no, I can't think of any liberal-Left corollary.

Sunday, 25 September 2005 - 9:58 AM CDT

Name: TP

Thanks for the interesting links. Now I know who Clemons is.

Monday, 26 September 2005 - 8:12 AM CDT

Name: S. Weasel

With a well-developed echo chamber and superior top-down discipline, the right has a much easier time forming the triangle.

This was the quote I found most interesting. People on the political left are forever looking at the right in terms of "discipline" and "machine." They can't imagine the right's "echo chamber" is an indication that like-minded individuals find the same topics interesting and the same arguments persuasive. No, people who disagree with them must be mindless drones acting under duress. Theirs is a world where elites make decisions and little people fall into line, and they're frustrated because their little people lack discipline. This attitude scares me juiceless.

Monday, 26 September 2005 - 7:18 PM CDT

Name: TP

Yeah, a lot of the Leftist criticism of the GOP is poorly-disguised envy of their discipline. Karl Rove, the Machiavelli of our times? Even Bush knew that calling him ----very conspicuously--- his "architect" would feed into that notion. The Left are terrified of the organizational abilities of the Right. They thought that Dean was their online messiah because of the fundraising stuff, but it turned out that they didn't know jack about how to put the Internet to its fullest use.

Daou's a casualty of the first fully online Presidential campaign. And he's still sulking.

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