17 Apr, 06 > 23 Apr, 06
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Better Living through Science
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Loyal Opposition
The Left Coaster
Deep Blade
Moonbattery Park
Sunday, 2 October 2005
Local Boys Make Good Copy
With a big tip of the hat to Kathryn Jean Lopez, have a look at the following excerpt from a story in today's Washington Post about our district attorney Ronnie Earle and one of the great icons from late 20th Century Texas, Bob Bullock:

AUSTIN -- Ronnie Earle, the Texas prosecutor vilified by Rep. Tom DeLay as a "rogue district attorney" and an "unabashed partisan zealot," has heard worse.

There was the time, for instance, that a prominent Texas Democrat vowed to murder him.

"He would hold all these press conferences and say terrible things about me," Earle said, referring to Bob Bullock, the future lieutenant governor whom Earle investigated for allegedly misusing government resources in the 1970s.

"I know at least twice people took guns away from him when he said he was going to kill me."

Earle, a Democrat, was laughing as he recounted the story in the Travis County district attorney's office last week. And like many sagas in Earle's career, the Bullock episode comes with a footnote.

Earle couldn't persuade the grand jury to indict Bullock, who was then the state's comptroller and struggling with a drinking problem. But years later, once Bullock had sobered up, the two men were recounting old times at Bullock's kitchen table.

"You know years ago when you investigated me?" Earle recalled Bullock telling him. "I was guilty as hell."
Heh, heh.

As even DeLay himself has had to explain recently, it doesn't tell you much about Earle's supposed non-partisanship that he's gone after more Democrats than Republicans in a state like Texas. The GOP didn't have much of a presence in this state's government until just this past generation. Thus, it's no surprise that Earle's pursuit of Democrats is more a matter of internecine politics intended to benefit ideological allies than it is a true indication of his [impartiality].

Posted by Toby Petzold at 4:39 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink
What an outrageous call! The Houston Texans just got completely screwed. Unbelievable.

That was a forward pass, you stupid bastard. And you had every angle and opportunity to reverse a shit call.


Posted by Toby Petzold at 2:58 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Friday, 30 September 2005
The Rules of Thumb
Now Playing: "Damned If I Do" by the Alan Parsons Project
Although Charles Johnson says the punishment is "hopelessly naive," it doesn't make this any less funny. I mean sad:

MADRID -- An imam who wrote a book on how to beat your wife without leaving marks on her body has been ordered by a judge in Spain to study the country's constitution.

The judge told Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, imam of a mosque in the southern resort of Fuengirola, to spend six months studying three articles of the constitution and the universal declaration of human rights.

Mr. Mustafa was sentenced to 15 months in jail and fined about $2,600 last year after being found guilty of inciting violence against women.

A judge released him after 22 days in jail on the condition that he undertake a re-education course.
You might be asking yourself just now why you never hear about things like this in either Big Media or the liberal-Left blogosphere. It's confusing, isn't it? You have very clear and routine examples of Muslim brutality against women, but you never hear liberal women's groups in America condemn these practices. Why? Surely they've had enough time by now to regain some of their dignity after whoring themselves out for the sake of Bill Clinton. Why do they not take a stand as liberated women and defend women elsewhere in the world against physical violence?

Because George W. Bush is Satan.

Scratch that: liberal women's groups will never regain the dignity they lost when they unquestioningly defended Clinton's lies and extreme sexual misconduct on the job. They don't even try to stand up against wife-beating in the Muslim world because they're too busy hating on the Rethuglikkkans. Or maybe because they're out buying shoes.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 11:32 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 30 September 2005 11:35 PM CDT
The Story behind Judy Miller's Release: Major League Horseshit
I don't know what the hell's going on with Judy Miller just yet, but let's get something straight: she could have avoided jail and sang her little heart out because Scooter Libby told her she could almost two years ago.

This crap that she and her lawyer are spewing about how she just didn't think the original waiver of confidentiality Libby had signed off on was legitimate is a total head fake.

It's all horseshit.

Something's going on here and I'm not nearly savvy enough to suss it out. But I am sure that there's some major league horseshit going down.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 7:35 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink
Thursday, 29 September 2005
Lame Save, Dude
Mood:  smelly
The thought is going around the blogosphere that California Congressman David Dreier may have lost out on a promotion to Acting House Majority Leader yesterday because of his sexual orientation. I don't know if that's true or not. I didn't even know his orientation was in question. (Then again, there was a long time there when I didn't know that Queen or Elton John or George Michael were gay ---if I even knew what being gay was--- so who knows?)

But what do I come across when I go looking for some spirited discussion at the large Leftist hang-out Eschaton? It's the proprietor of the place, asking in a post entitled "Sharks":

Will closet heterosexual David Dreier maintain the leadership position? We shall see...
Of course, this is just the sort of standard-issue rhetorical irony that people resort to when they wish to have something both ways. I asked why this is acceptable of a liberal-Left ideologue such as Black. Why can he insinuate ---without any repercussions--- whatever he wishes to about a possibly gay Republican when it should be a principle of enlightenment and decency that a person's sexual identity not be an instrument with which to shame him?

Well, I rhetorize myself. The fact is that it's okay by Black to do this because he believes that there is more partisan value to be gained by slagging Dreier as a member of a supposedly homophobic party than by respecting the dignity of a decent man.

As I put it to Black last night at his site:

Oh, hey, Atrios. I was asking everybody earlier why they thought it was okay for you to poke fun at Dreier's sexual orientation. Do you enjoy special immunity or is the irony just too delicious to pass up?
I don't know if there's any connection to my unanswered question, but this morning, Black links to a post by Steve Clemons, self-importantly titling the link (and the accompanying excerpt) "Why It Matters."

Well, what is "it"?

Is "it" the question of why Dreier did not land the job?

Or is "it" the matter of Dreier's putative homosexuality itself?

Turns out, "it" is nauseating weaselness, for Clemons' post states the case in a way that Black very obviously could not bring himself to do (emphasis mine):

Dreier was blocked because he has a long-term, loving relationship with someone of the same sex. This has been documented on many fronts and is widely known by members of Dreier's own caucus. If the reality of this blocked Dreier's ascension, then the news has a duty not to keep this matter hidden.

I'm pleased by Tom DeLay's fall from grace. But I'm irritated by the main stream media's complicity in hiding the bigotry that runs unchecked through a significant quarter of the Republican party.
Yeah, okay. Clemons really [cares] about Dreier's personal life; Black just wants to perpetrate like he was only talking about some Republicans. What a joke.

Guess what, folks: you can go on all day about how it's the Republican Party that's really keeping gay marriage from happening, but if gay marriage were such a broadly popular idea, you wouldn't see so many big league Democrats avoiding the issue at all costs. The Clintons? Kerry? Edwards? I don't recall them fighting for gay marriage.

Time to quit lying to yourselves and the rest of us.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 7:10 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Wednesday, 28 September 2005
Whither Goes the Ho Chi Minh Trail?
Now Playing: "Happy" by the Rolling Stones

(Note the date of this cartoon. It's not like the ultimate culprits are new to the game, are they?)

Posted by Toby Petzold at 11:25 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Now Playing: "Pictures of Lily" by the Who
Oh. Was I not supposed to enjoy the sight of KXAN reporter Jenny Hoff getting tazed by the cops on the news tonight?

Great work, madam. I think you got a real future in show business.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 10:56 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Tuesday, 27 September 2005
Now Playing: "Greensleeves"
This afternoon, I went to the funeral and life-celebration of the mother of one of my oldest friends. (And you are one of my oldest friends, S. I've known you since you were a teenager! Isn't that funny?)

And it sounds strange to say it, but these ceremonies were useful to the people who participated in them. Because this woman ---who was far too young to pass away--- was such an important part of her professional community that I think it was just as important to her colleagues and admirers that they recognize the reality of her death together; like it were a confirmation to each other that, indeed, they would not have this woman to depend on any longer. But the subdued bewilderment was palpable.

Over and over, the attestations of her excellence and integrity and unquestionable competence were made. And to me, for my friend's sake, this was a wonderful thing. To leave this world respected and assured of your influence on the lives of thousands? (That is a blessing that will overcome the pain of your loss, S. I am sure of that.)

I very much like the idea of being sent off by those who know you. That is essential to the dignity of this particular occasion. I hope I have that when it is my time to die.

And I hope they know what songs must be played: "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas, "This Train" by Bob Marley, and "Brokedown Palace" by the Grateful Dead. No covers. Just the studio cuts on a decent jam box and get out of the way.

Tonight, I have another beautiful song in my head.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 11:38 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (1) | Permalink
Subhuman Garbage
This story is so fucked up that it's almost like it can't be true. But I think it is:

A Pakistani man's alleged shooting of his younger sister in a so-called 'honour killing' over the weekend has led members of the Pakistani community to discuss ways of halting the practice.

The Organisation of Pakistani Students and Academics intends to discuss the practice during an upcoming debate forum, according to the organisation's chairman Qasam Nazir.

'Many (Pakistanis, ed)
[sic] are very disappointed that this problem has again appeared in contemporary Denmark,' said Nazir.

Many members of the Pakistani community were shocked over the weekend to hear reports that a 29-year-old Pakistani man was apprehended on Saturday, accused of shooting his 19-year-old sister and her Afghan husband on Friday. The sister died shortly after from her gunshot wounds.

'We will try to find imams and other prominent people to get a discussion about this cultural phenomenon, which is not a religious practice in any way,' said Nazir.
Keep in mind that this "honor killing" happened in broad daylight on the streets of Denmark.

This is one of those practices that dhimmified Leftists and other America-haters refuse to condemn because of their lack of moral direction. These are the same shithooks who follow and swallow Mother Sheehan's ignorant bilge because it's not nice to criticize The Other ---especially when there's so much energy to be spent on hating your own culture.

I have no respect for contemporary Muslim culture. I have no respect for those who cannot bring themselves to condemn the evil practices that this so-called "religion of peace" sullies the world with.

A lot of you are complicit in this sort of savagery. Don't forget that.

(Hat tip to LGF.)

Posted by Toby Petzold at 10:40 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink
Updated: Tuesday, 27 September 2005 10:43 PM CDT
Monday, 26 September 2005
No, No, Sweetie: You Had It Right the First Time
Via Michelle Malkin, check out this post by Mary Katharine Ham on the evolution of the Associated Press' report on today's arrest of Mother Sheehan outside the White House. Ham's post appears to simply begin as a quick link to the story of the arrest, but keeps updating to include the evolving language in the intro to the news report. Thus (with Ham's emphases):

1:57 p.m.-- Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who has used her son's death in Iraq to spur the anti-war movement, was arrested Monday while protesting outside the White House.
As a matter of fact, I actually read this first version online while I was at work and was somewhat surprised at the employment of such an unromantic verb.

3 p.m.-- Cindy Sheehan, the California woman driven by her son's death in Iraq to re-ignite the anti-war movement, was arrested Monday while protesting outside the White House.
Yeah, okay... Less than an hour later, it's:

Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who became a leader of the anti-war movement following her son's death in Iraq, was arrested Monday along with dozens of others protesting outside the White House.
See, I'm not saying that this is a journalistic scandal, friends.

I'm saying it's standard operating procedure.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 8:58 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink
A Friendly Note to Our Guests
Mood:  suave

If y'all are done being here in Austin and have a home to go home to, could you please leave as soon as possible? I'm absolutely sick of spending my life in traffic jams that you and your dumb ass are causing.

Thanks. Have a safe trip home.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 7:41 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Sunday, 25 September 2005
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: "Gear" by Naked Raygun
I am extremely pleased to tell you that the Israeli Defense Forces have exterminated a true piece of shit:

An IAF Apache helicopter flying over Gaza fired a missile and struck a vehicle traveling on the coastal road and carrying the Palestinian terrorists. According to witnesses, one of the victims was decapitated and one was wearing military fatigues.

Military sources said the targeted terrorist was Sheikh Muhammad Khalil, a senior commander of Islamic Jihad in the southern Gaza Strip who was responsible for planning a slew of attacks on Israelis including the murder of Tali Hatuel, who was pregnant, and her four young daughters on the Kissufim road in Gush Katif. He was also behind the attack on the Morag outpost that killed three soldiers and the detonation of an IDF armored vehicle that killed five.

Khalil's bodyguard was also killed in the attack.
Don't remember the story of the Hatuel family? Let me refresh your memory:

An Israeli woman in her eighth month of pregnancy and her four daughters were killed this afternoon [2 May 2004] when two terrorists opened fire at Israeli cars traveling on the Kissufim-Gush Katif road in the Gaza Strip. Soldiers shot the terrorists dead, but only after an explosive device at the scene detonated, wounding three soldiers, two of them with moderate-to-serious injuries.

The victims of the attack were identified as Tali Hatuel, 34, and her daughters Hila (11), Hadar (9), Roni (7) and Merav (2). Tali's husband was not in the car at the time of the attack, ynet reported. The Hatuels lived on the Gush Katif settlement of Katif.
I hope you remember their story. I certainly do. It made me ill:

It was also learned that the terrorists not only murdered the 34-year-old mother of four who was eight months pregnant along with her children, but then ran up to the vehicle and took a video of the results of their actions, filming the young victims as they bled to death.
If I can find any, I will be happy to post photos here of Khalil's shredded carcass.

Good work, General Sharon.

(Hat tip to Charles Johnson and his commenter zulubaby.)

Posted by Toby Petzold at 11:17 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (3) | Permalink
Saturday, 24 September 2005
Michelle Malkin took a walk ---and her camera--- through the anti-war rally in Washington, D.C. today. The picture you see here is one of hers. I hope she doesn't mind my borrowing it, but it's got to be the funniest prop ever brought to an anti-war rally.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 8:41 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
I See Better Turnouts When I Go to the Bathroom
Now Playing: "Sugar Mountain" by Neil Young
I'm watching these wankers at the anti-war rally in D.C. on C-SPAN ---and I'm laughing. On and immediately around the stage? About fifty people. And that's being very generous.

You know why there is no anti-war movement? You know why these burnt-out hippies can't persuade America that this is Viet Nam all over again?

Because the men and women who fight for our country are our best and bravest and they fight of their own volition. This isn't Lyndon Johnson clearing out the ghettoes and barrios of his Great Society, you know. These kids who show up to the protests in their bandanas and Che Guevara T-shirts are not only in no danger of any draft, but the United States military probably wouldn't take them, anyway. Better men and women than they could ever hope to be have taken on the responsibility of fighting in our name ---and these bums want to undermine that because it's fashionable?

The War for Iraq is a complicated and ambitious undertaking that hasn't yet yielded what it can. Is the American public down on it right now? Yep. But that's bound to change. Our fighting forces are making a difference in a crucial part of the world. These protesters don't understand that. They just want to re-enact some glorious anti-war past that they've seen in documentaries. It's truly pathetic.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 2:02 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (7) | Permalink
Friday, 23 September 2005
Escher and Nagel
I found the picture you see here at, via this post at Galley Slaves, a cool blog I forgot to keep reading when it first came out late last or early this year.

It's a rip on those framed motivational prints you sometimes see in the offices of people with no taste and/or a liking for the high art of Escher and Nagel.

Actually, I adore M.C. Escher, but I don't usually take the opportunity to share an inside joke with one of the audience.

Go check out the rest of 'em. They're full of snarky goodness.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 9:51 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 23 September 2005 9:53 PM CDT
The Station That Cried Wolf Blitzer
I'm not too sure about KXAN's recent Hurricane Rita coverage. I know that it's going to be monstrous for our fellow citizens down near Port Arthur and Beaumont (and, needless to say, New Orleans), but that's not the point. It looks like KXAN is trying CNN's Situation Room as some sort of model ---and it's sort of lame: a four-way split-screen, reading viewers' e-mail to each other, lots of live reports from dangerous and/or busy places, etc.

It's synthetically manic ---and a little too flash for a local affiliate.

Austin's certainly been feeling the effects of hurricane disasters for coming up on a month now, but local TV needs to step back and take a deep breath. We got lucky; the poor bastards down on the coast are still up against it.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 8:32 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Note to Hippies: Don't Come off Like Hippies
Now Playing: "Ventilator Blues" by the Rolling Stones
Professor Reynolds directs our attention to this cute post by EMRosa over at the Daily Kos about tomorrow's big anti-war rally in D.C. and elsewhere ---and what one should and should not to do.

Don't wear black bandanas or gas masks:

Want the police to target you? Wear a black bandana over your face. Wear a gas mask. I know, I know, it's the cool anarcho thing to do, but it's also very foolish. If you feel you might need them later (for whatever reasons...), put them in your bag where you'll have easy access to them.
I don't know who this Rosa cat is, but he's a real drag, man. What about the spontaneity of the moment? What about keeping it real? Maybe that's what he means with the elipses...Hmmm....

Do be creative:

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of doing the same thing over and over again with little to show for it but a frustrated mind. We have to protest in a way that's intriguing, news making. Block the street, do guerilla theater, dose your self in gasoline and go out for ice cream. Whatever. Just don't do the same thing when it doesn't work. Think.
What's this about the gasoline? Is that code for huffing? Yeah, I know. I'm just joking.

But in looking over these lists of do's and don'ts, it seems like the whole thing is just a big waste of time. Nobody cares what a bunch of goddamned hippies have to say about the War for Iraq ---and that will be especially true tomorrow morning when everybody's going to be watching the situation on the Gulf Coast between Texas and Louisiana.

If you had any taste, you morons, you'd stand down tomorrow and have a care for the disaster that's coming to our own shores.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 8:10 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 23 September 2005 8:18 PM CDT
Thursday, 22 September 2005
My Frenzy's Been Whipped
Now Playing: "Making Time" by the Creation
Gee. What a difference a day makes. That is all.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 10:21 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Wednesday, 21 September 2005
Anxiety by the Gallon
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: "Galveston" by Glen Campbell
There's a lot of anxiety right now in this town. The gas station nearest my house went from selling regular unleaded this afternoon just before six at $2.55 a gallon. A couple of hours later when I went to go grab some, it had shot up to $2.69. So, after yelling "Fucking thieves!" several times to myself and anyone else who might be near me, I cruised on down the road until I ran across some for $2.59. I know it's only a dime's difference, literally, but goddamn! People are going to use Rita for all sorts of excuses, legitimate or not. I am not looking forward to this. And I also realize that the next time I buy gas, it's going to be $3.00 or more.

My biggest concern right now is my new house and all of my belongings. For whatever reason, I am my family's repository of mementos such as photos, letters, and other keepsakes. I am also obsessively my own biggest fan ---and I try to keep everything I've ever written of any importance. So I am sitting on top of a big pile of potential heartbreak and I am worrying about my situation. I live in a flood plain and, even though I am probably 200 miles from the coast of Texas, I know very well that Rita could unleash one of the biggest rainstorms of my life right on top of me.

I'll keep you posted. If I can.

Oh, and one more thing. It's something I almost never do, but I'll breach the Wall of the Personal Proper Noun tonight because it's insistently on my mind: One of my bestest and oldest friends lives (or used to live) in Galveston, Texas. I haven't talked to the man in many years, but he was a huge influence on me as a young man and if he ever Googles his name up, I want him to find it here: James Bartholomew Gately, Jr. That's Jim. Jim, I'm thinking of you tonight and I hope all of your family is safe and sound. I hope you know that there is some part of my personality that owes itself to your benevolent eccentricites and I want you to know that you will be in my thoughts these next several days.

Take care.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 11:11 PM CDT | Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink
Tuesday, 20 September 2005
"Federalize It!"
In Newsweek's recent big story, subtly titled "How Bush Blew It," is the account of President Bush, Louisiana Governor Blanco, and New Orleans mayor Nagin on board Air Force One, fumbling through their options.

According to Sen. David Vitter, a Republican ally of Bush's, the meeting came to a head when Mayor Nagin blew up during a fraught discussion of "who's in charge?" Nagin slammed his hand down on the table and told Bush, "We just need to cut through this and do what it takes to have a more-controlled command structure. If that means federalizing it, let's do it."

A debate over "federalizing" the National Guard had been rattling in Washington for the previous three days. Normally, the Guard is under the control of the state governor, but the Feds can take over—if the governor asks them to. Nagin suggested that Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, the Pentagon's on-scene commander, be put in charge. According to Senator Vitter, Bush turned to Governor Blanco and said, "Well, what do you think of that, Governor?" Blanco told Bush, "I'd rather talk to you about that privately." To which Nagin responded, "Well, why don't you do that now?"

The meeting broke up. Bush and Blanco disappeared to talk. More than a week later, there was still no agreement. Blanco didn't want to give up her authority, and Bush didn't press.
Kathleen Blanco is a human tuber ---a fucking clown plucked out of something's ass and plopped down in front of a desk. You can be sure that it's the same kind of people who spent a week sitting on the roof of their flooded houses, starving and dehydrating, or burning in the hell of the New Orleans Convention Center that elected that idiot governor.

I hope Item Number One when they get back home is to recall her sorry ass.

Posted by Toby Petzold at 10:34 PM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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