Monday, 27 February 2006 - 10:17 PM CST
I could honestly give a flying fuck which foreign rat-bastard country is running our ports. It's not like the Brits have een keeping us any safer than Dubai could....
The reason I'm against Dubai Ports running 6 (21, actually) of our country's ports is that I know it's a sweetheart deal made by the corrupt snakes in the Bush administration---THE SAME FUCKING JERKS who have tried so hard to make us fear and hate ALL ARABS. It was not Saddam who attacked WTC on 9/11, but Bush and his Crusade-a-thon team of liars decided to convince Americans that Iraq and Arfghanistan were the places to start blowing shit up in retaliation. This administration has received the ALMOST ALL of its political success by selling fear to morons who don't wish to be troubled with details about which arabs
are which. NOW they want us to believe that SOME arabs are good guys, so long as the President's advisors SAY they're good guys (despite advice against the deal from innumerable intelligence sources AND this administration's long legacy of selling the American public an overpriced shit sandwich).
Fuck Bush, Rove, Perle, Cheney, Gonzales, Rice, Yoo, and all those devil (and dollar)-worshipping hypocritical turd-burglars! They will not sell THIS American their sorry guilt trip about MY bigotry. It was their lies (placing the blame ---for an act THEY orchestrated --on arabs)that made this country so ready to be against the port deal. Screw them if their crony can't catch a trillion-dollar break on this one. Those treasonous vipers should be incinerated like garbage for playing the racism card at their convenience the way they do.
If some bullshit (supposed) navy guy makes you feel all warm and fuzzy with his Texas-BBQ-in-a-Dubai-shopping-mall story, just keep in mind how little that little anecdote has to do with the real situation.
Truth is: Bush "flip-flops" on whether Americans should be open-minded about arabs. MOST intelligence and port security people DON'T approve of this deal.
I don't care what Rove tells Bush to say, and I couldn't give less of a shit about what some gay Navy douche-bag has to say about his time in the nicest part of Medina-ville (and ...OOH..on Christmas....*tears*).
If I should try and score political points against this administration it is surely with the goal of seeing them removed from office where they can no longer make our country look bad. To agree with them on anything is like paying them for raping us....oh wait, we're all already doing that.