Incredibly, the cowards at Indymedia have published online the personal information of some 1,600 delegates to next week's Republican National Convention. Here's their rationale (with my emphases):
As a small contribution to the anti-RNC efforts, today we are releasing a list of delegates to the 2004 Republican National Convention. This list includes the names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of RNC delegates in addition to what hotel each one is staying at during their invasion of New York City.
There's no question that these fucking pricks are doing what they can to intimidate the GOP's delegates and cause them to worry for their own safety. Doubt it? They say that one of their objectives is to:
Supply anti-RNC groups with data on the delegates to use in whatever way they see fit.
We know that these pussies like to go around in packs of four: one to wear a bandana over his face and provoke a cop or some other actual American ---and the other three to memorialize their collective bravery with a camcorder.
How very desperately these sad fucks wish they had been around to take on Mayor Daley's "pigs" when the whole world was watching.
Remember, ladies: every flattened tire or broken window is a hundred votes for the Cowboy from Crawford.
(Hat tip to Ramblings' Journal.)