Based on how Ben Ginsburg's resignation is playing on the cable news networks, it was a mistake for him to have resigned so quickly. Yes, he said everything he needed to about the hypocrisy of the Kerrion's use of 527s, but that's not what's getting the attention. The only impression being left is that he did something wrong, but he did not.
Look at someone like the execrable Harold Ickes. This tool is the founder and president of the Media Fund, as well as a major player with America Coming Together ---a couple of pro-Kerry 527s that are pumping huge amounts of money into creating and airing TV spots slamming the President. Do you have any doubt that a sleaze artist like Ickes is working with the Kerrion? Well, you don't need to because according to BusinessWeek Online,
Ickes admits that he occasionally tells the Kerry camp what he's up to, and he insists it's perfectly legal.
Yeah? Well, it sounds like illegality to me. But what does Ickes care? He is one of the crooked masterminds of the 1996 Democratic Party campaign finance monster that inspired McCain-Feingold.

If Big Media wanted to raise some questions about how the Democrats are gaming the system, they could. But that would expose their confederates in this sham (emphases mine):
If Mr. Kerry is really looking for a smoking gun, he ought to examine the Media Fund (total receipts: $27.2 million), which is run by former Clinton Deputy Chief of Staff Harold Ickes, and America Coming Together (total receipts: $26.9 million). The chief spokesman for both of these Democratic 527s is Jim Jordan, who happens to be Mr. Kerry's former campaign manager. Not surprising, a separate article appearing in Friday's New York Times regarding Federal Elections regulation of 527s mentioned Mr. Jordan in his capacity as spokesman for the Media Fund and ACT, but neglected to mention his Kerry connection.
No fooling?
Ginsburg should've waited another day or two to resign so that he could get in some more licks at these Dhimicratic craphounds for abusing the campaign finance laws in far more egregious ways than the GOP are supposed to be doing. But will you see any questions about Bob Bauer's ties to the DNC and the Kerry campaign, as well as to ACT asked by Big Media? Only on the back pages, if there.
The Democratic Party's hypocrisy on this issue of 527 advocacy groups is truly astonishing. But if their defenders on the evening news aren't going to ask the questions, the average voter will only know that those evil Republicans must be doing something bad. Ridiculous.