Mood: a-ok
Courtesy of The Politburo Diktat, this is today's statement from RNC Communications Director Jim Dyke:
"Bill Burkett, Democrat activist and Kerry campaign supporter, passes information to the DNC; Kerry campaign surrogate Max Cleland discusses "valuable" information with Bill Burkett; Bill Burkett talks to "senior" Kerry campaign officials; an apparently unsuspecting news organization uses faked forged memos and an interview with Ben Barnes at the same time the Democratic National Committee launched Operation Fortunate Son; and Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill was among the first to call Ben Barnes and congratulate him after his interview. The trail of connections is becoming increasingly clear."At this point, Dan Rather's refusal to both acknowledge his chicanery and to expose the source who fed him the Killian Forgeries can only be explained by one overriding factor: he doesn't want to implicate the Kerry campaign in any of this.
It doesn't matter. It gets done, anyway.