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Let's be clear about what Joe Lockhart told the cable news networks this morning about his role in Rathergate: he is lying. He is lying when he says that he took a 4-minute call from Bill Burkett that consisted only of "advice" on how to better combat the Swift Boat Veterans' charges against John Kerry ---yet, somehow, omitted any mention of the bullshit forgeries he was peddling. Gimme a fucking break, you lousy shill!
Lockhart is also lying when he says that he took a call from a CBS News producer ---and he's not too sure about it, but was it, uh, Mary Mapes? (Not too sure about that name...Mapes?)--- who was trying to put "someone" who wanted to provide "some political advice" in touch with the Kerry campaign ---but that these bullshit forgeries were never brought up.
Yeah, well, getting out in front of this huge, slow-motion train wreck seems like the thing to do, but not when your cover story is plainly horseshit. Joe Lockhart is obviously lying. Why would he consent to take a phone call from someone in Burkett's position unless Burkett had something tangible to offer up? Why would Lockhart have consented to making such a connection unless Mapes had assured him that it would be worth his while? After all, she thought it was important enough to whore out her ethics as a professional journalist to make these contacts; why would Lockhart have stuck his dick in the mashed potatoes for anything less than manna from heaven?