Barbara Boxer's performance yesterday at Condoleeza Rice's confirmation hearings was rude and moronic. It was also, when she began to attack Dr. Rice for supporting the war for Iraq, hypocritical. According to a story at, Boxer was just fine with Bill Clinton's bombing of Baghdad:
[...]six years ago, Boxer enthusiastically backed President Clinton's decision to attack Iraq after he argued that Saddam Hussein was prepared to use chemical, biological and nuclear weapons against the world.A lot of Democrats went in for that then. Anything to give their "Big Dog" some bite for his bark.
In December 1998, however, after Clinton launched four days of air strikes on Iraq's suspected WMD targets, the California Democrat had a different reaction.It's stuff like this that justifies my utter contempt for the Democratic Party ---an organization so traumatized by Lyndon Johnson's legacy of a half-hearted war that they are no longer able to understand our country's long-term strategy in the world.
In quotes unearthed Tuesday afternoon by radio host Sean Hannity, Boxer claimed that Saddam had forced Clinton's hand.
"The president had no choice but to act today," she said in a statement issued by her office. "Anyone who questions the timing of his decision ignores the fact that we committed a month ago to act if [chief U.N. weapons inspector] Richard Butler reported that Saddam was not cooperating."
"These critics are blinded by political considerations," Boxer added.
If we can fight to establish legitimate self-rule in Iraq, it will be the cause of more democratic reforms throughout the Muslim Middle East. That is a huge and noble goal ---something worthy of a great power like ours. There shouldn't be any question of its value among those of us who think, but among the others is constant pessimism and subversion ---the merest partisan hackery of the Democratic Party. Where is their idealism? Where is their commitment to ending the rule of tyrants and theocrats? Once again, the far Left in America has demonstrated that its infatuation with Castro, Guevara, Ho, and Mao was no mistake: they are, at heart, totalitarians.
Which is why craphounds like Boxer are so afraid of Bush: because he is the great liberator of the age ---the surest prophet of the power of democracy.