
Now Playing: "Chewing George Lucas' Chocolate" by the Butthole Surfers
Who does this chump think he is calling the President a "miserable failure"? What's the point of such ad hominem nonsense? Gephardt is the miserable failure as best I can tell. Lying about his father being a true blue Teamster who duked it out from the Left when the poor guy was actually a Republican who felt pressured into joining the Teamsters because he didn't want to get blackballed and who disliked the wishy-washy Democratic craphounds his own son later joined. Nice way to honor the old man, you bleached-out bag o' sauerkraut, by lying about his true convictions. Dick Gephardt is Anheuser-Busch's Congessional piggybank from way back: total company man, if you get my drift. I wouldn't piss on him if his overstuffed wallet was on fire. He defended Clinton and he defended Gore and for both those crimes I would never defend him or waste my vote on his behalf. Fuck Dick Gephardt.